Monday, October 21, 2019

Begin Digitizing Roughs in Illustrator

So far you have:
Created at least 12 Thumbnail Sketches on paper
Created at least 3 roughs based on your best thumbnails

Now you will begin re-creating the roughs in Illustrator.

You must include:

  • Silhouette of the object
  • The outline in Black
  • the reverse outline (white lines on black)
  • 6 variations based on varying percentages of black to white 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Graphic Translation Project - Part 1 - Due Today

Post at least 15 thumbnail sketches of your graphic translation object. Include the actual photographs of the objects you used.

You should include the following in your thumbnails

  • a silhouette of the object
  • an outline of the object
  • different degrees of white and black space

Due Today

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Graphic Translation Project and Resources

Here are the links we looked at in class. Use these as a guide as you move through this unit.

Graphic Translation online book

Graphic Translation Project

Here is a great example of a student's work on this project

Today search the web and find at least 3 objects to translate. You may also find a real object you like and photograph it.

Find multiple views and angles of the object.

These must be actual photo of the object. Do not use illustrations of drawings of the object.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Create Word Using Lines, Dots, and Planes

Create a fourth Illustrator composition using a descriptive word.

Using the tools you have learned this week, use any combination of Dots, Lines, or Planes to capture the feeling or expression of the word.

Upload the completed word to your blog.

Due today.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Final - Self Assessment

Please take a few minutes and consider your : Personal Art Practice Did I work as hard as I could have? Yes? No? Why? Did I set and main...